
Monday, December 19, 2011

New Hat :)

Hi everyone!

I have created a new hat. It's a bit larger than my head, but it works for me. I won't be posting a pattern simply because it isn't my design! It's a pattern by M. Nishioka from, so please don't ask me for the pattern :).

It looks pink in this light, but it is really a super bright red! I kinda got the buttons a little crooked, but at least it looks fine to me :).

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sneak Peek!

It's been a while since I've posted, so I've decided to give just a lil' peek at what's to come to the blog. In the gap from now and the last post, I have come up with something extrodinary. A long time ago, I decided to knit a fawn for my cousin Taylor for Christmas. It's almost finished and all I have to do now is sew everything together. I have just one thing to say... IT'S HUGE!!!! Okay, here's that sneak peek I promised... :)

'Tis the design of the fawn. It's what I have been following the entire time I have been knitting. I realize it isn't that realistiz, but that's the whole point of toys, right?

Now that you have seen the design, I think I should probably show you what I have accomplished so far, don't you think?

Here are some mini-glamour shots... hehehe.